Hungarian government to increase maternity and childcare benefits

The Human Resources Ministry will increase maternity benefits as well as introduce a new subsidy for parents caring for chronically ill children at home

The Hungarian government is set to increase general maternity benefits as well as maternity benefits for university students and graduates.

According to MTI, the Human Resources Ministry will also introduce a new subsidy for parents caring for chronically ill children at home.

As of today, eligible mothers are entitled to a maximum of 208,600 HUF (649 EUR) a month in maternity benefits.

The new guidelines mean that female university students enrolled in a bachelor’s program will be eligible for 104,300 HUF in support and students enrolled in a master’s program for 136,500 HUF.

What’s more, female university students and graduates are eligible for an extra year of child support up to the child’s second birthday.

Finally, one of the major changes for this year is that home caregivers of severely disabled children or children suffering from a debilitating illness will be eligible to receive 100,000 HUF per month.