Hungarians move closer to moon landing

The Puli Space Project aims to demonstrate its abilities by landing a self-made probe on the Moon by 2017

A Hungarian space project nicknamed Puli Space - a mission to develop new techniques required to routinely send spacecraft to the Moon, to explore new frontiers and to provide quality services for forward-thinking investors interested in commercializing space - has moved one step closer to space this week by posting billboard adverts on Budapest subways to raise awareness of their cause.

The team have implemented a new advertising campaign presenting their efforts of completing the Google Lunar XPRIZE challenge to Budapest travellers on the M2, M3 and M4 lines for the month ahead.

The Puli Space Project aims to demonstrate its abilities by landing a self-made probe on the Moon by 2017 and thus completing the Google Lunar XPRIZE challenge.

Their Moon probe will explore the nearby areas and send high quality imagery and video recordings of its surroundings and itself back to Earth.

Based on the GLXP experience, the Puli Space Project intends to become a prominent player in the growing space industry.

Puli Space also considers it a top priority to promote scientific thinking and to encourage students in choosing a career in science.

Read more here.