Hungarians who have registered will get their jab before the end of May

Gergely Gulyás said the number of inoculated has surpassed 3.09 million, with vaccine acceptance growing steadily.

Gergely Gulyás, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office, said there’s a high chance that everyone who has registered will get their jab before the end of May.

According to MTI, Gulyás said the number of inoculated has surpassed 3.09 million, with vaccine acceptance growing steadily. Up to now, some 4.2 million have registered for the jab. He said there is no discernible difference between vaccines in terms of their basic efficacy, he added, insisting that every single one available in Hungary was “effective and provided protection”.

The minister said that based on information from the Hungarian authorities that the vaccines “are even more effective then indicated by their makers”, adding that only one percent of those inoculated became ill — and even they were at a lower risk due to the vaccine. Out of the vaccines ordered by the European Union, Janssen had “dropped out”, decreasing Hungary’s potential by 500,000 doses. The government is in negotiations to make up for that lost amount, he said.