Hungary will not be made into a pro-migration country, says government official

János Lázár, the minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office, said that Hungary investigated the ‘Soros files’, which was necessary to protect the Hungarian border and guarantee sovereignty, and were matters of national security

George Soros funded organizations have doubled down on their efforts in Budapest, Brussels and Berlin over the past two years to make Hungary change its position on migration, the government office chief has said.

János Lázár, the minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office, said that Hungary investigated the ‘Soros files’ which was necessary to protect the Hungarian border and guarantee sovereignty, and were matters of national security. He added that Hungary would not be made into a pro-migration country.

The minister said it is not the Hungarian government who are at fault for attacking Soros organizations, but the organizations that want to make Hungarian decision-makers change their position are in the wrong.

According to MTI, Lázár said the government was not concerned with Soros’s activities until he presented his views on migration and started to exert influence and take action against Hungary. Every day there are new EU initiatives on migration and positions “are not drawing closer, even by a centimeter,” he said.

Lázár said it is important that the Hungarian government should participate in debates and express its opinion, and this should be based on citizens expressing their wishes. The minister pointed out that some 3 million people expressed their view at a referendum and some 2.2 million have responded so far to the National Consultation survey concerning the “Soros plan”.

What’s more, surveys carried out in central and eastern Europe show that 75-85 percent of the people reject the mandatory settlement of migrants.