International military exercise in NW Hungary will demonstrate speed and deployability

The exercise in Hungary will see the participation of German and Dutch soldiers, who will then take part in a paratrooper exercise near Turda (Torda) and Cincu (Nagysink), in central Romania.

Lt. Col. Lajos Turzó, the deputy commander of the Pápa airbase, said the Swift Response 2024 international military exercise in Papa, in north-western Hungary, will demonstrate speed and deployability. Swift Response 2024 is part of a higher-level NATO exercise and involves some 4,500 troops, Lt. Col. Lajos Turzó told a press conference. It is being organised under the leadership of the German division. The exercise in Hungary will see the participation of German and Dutch soldiers, who will then take part in a paratrooper exercise near Turda (Torda) and Cincu (Nagysink), in central Romania.