Lidl lays cornerstone for a HUF 50bn logistics base in SE Hungary

The German-owned discount chain facility will create more than 400 jobs.

Lidl Magyarorszag laid the cornerstone for a HUF 50bn logistics base in Kiskunfelegyhaza (SE Hungary) on Wednesday.

Regional development minister Tibor Navracsics said the German-owned discount chain facility will create more than 400 jobs.

Chairman of the board Zita Szlavikovics said the 83,000 sqm base will be Lidl Magyarorszag's fifth warehouse complex and will serve 60-65 stores.

Lidl Magyarorszag employs close to 10,000 workers. The complex will have capacity to store close to 50,000 pallets.

Market Epito is the general contractor for the construction, scheduled to be completed by October 2026. Lidl has 209 stores and four logistics bases in Hungary.