Magyar Nemzet: PM Orbán in danger from Magyar supporters following Fico shooting

Supporters of Péter Magyar, leader of the non-parliamentary opposition Tisza Party, had discussed the possible assassination of Viktor Orbán.

Magyar Nemzet on Thursday said that supporters of Péter Magyar, leader of the non-parliamentary opposition Tisza Party, had discussed “the possible assassination of Viktor Orbán”, Hungary’s prime minister, in the wake of the attempt on the life of Slovak premier Robert Fico. The paper cited “supporters of the Tisza Party’s European Parliament election list” discussing the matter on social media and referred to “shocking comments” made by “several left-wing politicians and their supporters”. The paper singled out “old left-wing backbencher Balázs Láng”, whom it described as “an enthusiastic supporter of Peter Magyar” in connection with the relevant posts. The article contained a reference to a comment that “they would not cry if someone shot Viktor”.