"Make Europe Great Again" is motto of Hungary’s EU presidency

The motto points to a proactive presidency and symbolizes the notion that we are stronger together than apart.

While presenting the official priorities, social media pages and visual presentation of Hungary's EU presidency, EU Affairs Minister János Bóka said the motto of Hungary’s presidency will be “Make Europe Great Again". The motto points to a proactive presidency and symbolizes the notion that “we are stronger together than apart."

Hungary will act as president of the EU between July 1 and December 31, “in an extraordinary situation”, Bóka said. The presidency must serve the peace and security of Europe, he said. “The Hungarian presidency will seek real solutions to Europe’s real problems.” Hungary “promises no miracles but brings a chance of change and progress,” he said. Hungary plans to hold 37 formal council meetings and 1,500 meetings of various council working groups, as well as 16 informal meetings, an informal meeting of the European Council, and a summit of the European Political Community, he said. Hungary has determined seven priorities for the presidency, Bóka said. It plans to adopt a new competitiveness agreement, support the strengthening of the European defence industry and innovation, and member states’ cooperation in procurement, he said. Hungary is also aiming to sign partnership agreements to protect the EU’s external borders and to handle the root causes of migration, as well as to further the integration of membership candidates, he said. During the presidency, Hungary will launch a “strategic debate on the future of cohesion policy” and support a pro-farmer agricultural policy, he said. Demographic issues will also be tabled at every council formation, he added.