Minister Gulyás: "Hungary will not extradite anyone to Ukraine"

At today’s Government Info session, Minister Gergely Gulyás discussed the escalating war situation, the threat of forced conscription in Ukraine, and Hungary's firm stance on not extraditing its citizens.

The Hungarian government evaluated the escalating war situation at its meeting yesterday, reviewing frontline developments and the reactions from Europe and its allies.

Minister Gergely Gulyás emphasized the gravity of the situation, stating, "The situation is increasingly difficult for various reasons."

He highlighted the Ukrainian army's struggle to maintain its positions, leading to forced conscription across the country. This conscription threat extends to Ukrainian citizens in Transcarpathia, including ethnic Hungarians. Minister Gulyás firmly stated, "Hungary will not extradite anyone to Ukraine."

The minister also addressed the proposal by Manfred Weber for compulsory military service in the EU, which would apply to both men and women. This proposal is supported by the French and Estonian prime ministers, who are advocating for sending soldiers to Ukraine.

Minister Gulyás reaffirmed Hungary's position, emphasizing that NATO should only make decisions from which Hungary can completely abstain. He underscored the importance of the upcoming European Parliament elections, stating, "It is crucial what proportion of pro-war representatives will be in the European Parliament."

Discussing court proceedings regarding Hungary's border control measures, Gergely Gulyás revealed that Hungary faces potential fines for failing to comply with a judgment, with the European Commission postponing its announcement of a decision to June 13.

"We are being fined because of the legal border closure, and we would be obligated to pay €6 million daily. This illustrates the European attitude towards border protection," Minister Gulyás explained.

He added that while the war has shifted focus away from migration, the EU elections' stakes include electing representatives who do not support migration and who advocate for the strictest external border protection.

Following Minister Gulyás, Government Spokesperson Eszter Vitályos highlighted recent national developments, mentioning the completion of a MOL investment project worth HUF 1.3 billion, with a HUF 130 million contribution from the Hungarian state.

In addition, "HUF 28 billion has been spent on renewing kindergartens and nurseries, implementing road development projects, refurbishing sports complexes, conducting cultural investments, and expanding the Nyíregyháza Zoo," she detailed.

Regarding the Digital Citizenship Program, Spokesperson Vitályos announced that by 2026, citizens will have access to all entitlements and administrative services from their phone. They will, however, have to register for this service in person at government offices, be at least 14 years old, have a smartphone, and have the necessary documents.