Newly appointed minister of Human Capacities, Miklós Kásler has announced his new state secretaries.
The minister described the newly appointed secretaries as experienced experts in their respective areas.
Kásler said it is a fundamental goal of the government to ensure the survival of the Hungarian nation and to make it thrive both financially and spiritually. He added that he strives for as many Hungarian children to be born as possible so that the nation may finally embark on an upward course after a period of demographic crisis.
The minister added that Hungarian education has fine traditions. He highlighted that, in addition to formal education, the way we raise our children also plays an important role.
Minister Kásler said he had selected his Parliamentary Secetaries in a way that ensures that qualified and talented people head each sector under his supervision. Additionally, it was important that he should be able to identify with them intellectually and spiritually, and that they, too, should feel the same way.
His parliamentary state secretary is Bence Rétvári, while his minister of state for Public Administration is Csaba Latorcai.
Anikó Nagy will act as minister of state for Healthcare, József Bódis as minister of state for Education, Katalin Novák as minister of state for Family and Youth Affairs, Eszter Vitályos as minister of state for EU Development Policy, Orsolya Pacsay-Tomassich as minister of state for International Affairs, and Péter Fekete as minister of state for Culture.
The area of sports will be supervised by Tünde Szabó, while Attila Fülöp will be in charge of social inclusion.