The Színházak Éjszakája (Night of Theater Shows) will be held on September 21st.
During the event, every Budapest-based theater will open its doors and welcome audiences with programs specifically designed for the night, alongside ongoing shows and projects.
The popular event invites regular theater-goers and everyday people to pay a visit to an institution of their liking, or cruise between various locations with a versatile range of programs on show.
This year, the participants include highly-popular institutions such as the Vígszínház, Nemzeti Színház and the Újszínház, alongside less-discovered, emerging spaces such as the Ódry Színpad, Trafó, Stúdió K and RS9.
Alongside the theater shows, visitors are also cordially invited to partake in a range of accompanying events, guided tours, including the ‘Architecture of the Pest Broadway’, ‘The Whole City’s a Stage’ and the Architecture of Víziváros, ran by the Kék Architectural Institute.
Photo credit: Programguru