Night of Theater Shows to be held in Budapest on September 21st

During the Színházak Éjszakája event, every Budapest-based theater will open its doors and welcome audiences with programs specifically designed for the night, alongside ongoing shows and projects.

The Színházak Éjszakája (Night of Theater Shows) will be held on September 21st.

During the event, every Budapest-based theater will open its doors and welcome audiences with programs specifically designed for the night, alongside ongoing shows and projects.

The popular event invites regular theater-goers and everyday people to pay a visit to an institution of their liking, or cruise between various locations with a versatile range of programs on show.

This year, the participants include highly-popular institutions such as the Vígszínház, Nemzeti Színház and the Újszínház, alongside less-discovered, emerging spaces such as the Ódry Színpad, Trafó, Stúdió K and RS9.

Alongside the theater shows, visitors are also cordially invited to partake in a range of accompanying events, guided tours, including the ‘Architecture of the Pest Broadway’, ‘The Whole City’s a Stage’ and the Architecture of Víziváros, ran by the Kék Architectural Institute.

Photo credit: Programguru