Parliament passes the law on the list of ten ministries in PM Orbán’s fourth government

Based on the new law, the ten ministries of the prospective cabinet will be as follows: Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Human Capacities, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Innovation and Technology, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister, Prime Minister’s Office and Ministry of Finance

Parliament has passed the law on the list of ministries in Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s fourth government - pursuant to the new legislation, there will be ten ministries.

The bill was submitted by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and his government and was passed by Parliament with 127 votes for and 35 against.

Based on the new law, the ten ministries of the prospective cabinet will be as follows: Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Human Capacities, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Innovation and Technology, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister, Prime Minister’s Office and Ministry of Finance.

According to Kormany.hu, there were also ten ministries during the previous term of government, but some operated under different names and with different responsibilities.

The prime minister’s detailed responsibilities and powers will be laid down in a government decree at a later date.

The law also stipulates that the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister will function as the prime minister’s political working organization, while the Government Office of the Prime Minister will operate as a unit responsible for administrative issues within the government.

The Government Office led by a state secretary for public administration will qualify as a central state administration agency with special powers that will have a budgetary chapter of its own and will be supervised directly by the Prime Minister.