PM Orbán holds talks with CCB chairman

The CCB chairman spoke highly of Hungary’s Eastern Opening policy and the achievements of China’s Belt and Road Initiative.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán held talks with China Construction Bank (CCB) chairman Tian Guoli in Beijing on Monday.

Bertalan Havasi, the PM’s press chief, said Tian received PM Orbán’s delegation and accompanied the Hungarian officials to inspect the Dao Xiang Hu technological innovation retreat centre. Tian welcomed the prime minister and his delegation, and they reviewed the friendly talks and cooperation between China and Hungary in recent years. The CCB chairman also spoke highly of Hungary’s Eastern Opening policy and the achievements of China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Tian thanked the Hungarian government for its guidance for the CCB branch opened in Hungary earlier this year. He said the bank would consider the opening of its Hungarian branch a “new starting point” for providing better financial services to both countries’ clients and giving new momentum to their bilateral partnership. He said the two new Hungarian Nobel laureate scientists demonstrated Hungarians’ talent for science and innovation to the world. CCB has made significant progress in the area of fintech solutions in recent years, and has set up a fintech laboratory in Hungary with a view to exploring future directions in the field together with Hungary, using Chinese market capacity and funds as well as the technological know-how of the two countries, Tian added. He expressed hope that this cooperation would yield “further success stories” for the partnership between China and Hungary. Orbán said Hungary in the current geopolitical situation remained committed to its Eastern Opening policy as well as to strengthening its dialogue and cooperation with China. He thanked CCB for the support it has provided to Hungary in recent years.
Orbán congratulated the bank on its opening of a branch in Hungary, calling it “a wise decision”. By bolstering their ties, Hungary and China have taken their economic and trade cooperation to the next level in recent years, he said, adding that Hungary welcomed CCB’s local branch as a partner in electric vehicle production, new energy projects and numerous other areas.