PM Orbán: Hungarian voters can reject "imperialist attempt to plunge us into war" on June 9

"With another war threatening us, the peoples here have clearly indicated to the great powers that they have learned the lesson and do not want war,” PM Orbán said.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said Hungarian voters will have a chance on June 9 to reject "another imperialist attempt to plunge us into war".
“We can now do what we have been unable to do for 110 years; the whole Hungarian nation can say no to war in a transparent and democratic way,” PM Orbán said at the inauguration of the renewed Tisza castle in Geszt, in south-eastern Hungary. “War is never inevitable; war is always a matter of human decision-making. In the shadow of weapons, life and justice never grow; only death and injustice,” PM Orbán said on the Day of National Cohesion. “Now we have to complete what [one-time] prime minister István Tisza could not manage to: prevent Hungary from getting involved in another European war, PM Orbán said, adding that “our chances are better than they were 110 years ago; we are a sovereign country and sovereignty is a personal cause and right of every Hungarian.” He said that 110 years ago the peoples of the Carpathian Basin had been working for their sovereignty against Hungary. But now, “with another war threatening us, the peoples here have clearly indicated to the great powers that they have learned the lesson and do not want war,” PM Orbán added.