PM Orbán nominates Bence Tuzson to fill the post of justice minister

Justice Minister Judit Varga is slated to lead ruling Fidesz’s list in the 2024 European Parliament election and would step down from her ministerial post.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has nominated Bence Tuzson to fill the post of justice minister after acknowledging the intention of Judit Varga to step down from her post and focus on the European parliamentary election campaign.
Minister Varga is slated to lead ruling Fidesz’s list in the 2024 European Parliament election and would step down from her ministerial post. In an interview with the paper, Minister Varga said much was at stake in the EP elections, and she wanted to take an active role in forging conservative European institutions and building multiple alliances. A “vibrant conservative movement” is growing across Europe, she said. “We must build on this.” Varga said the left-liberal predominance in the EU “must be overturned”. Referring to her ministerial legacy, she said two major agreements were brought about in Brussels: “a big step forward” in the conditionality procedure in December, and the completion of the judicial package in May, which is yet to be implemented. Minister Varga also referred to the creation of a national victim help network, the strengthening of child and family rights and a big salary increase for judges and prosecutors.