PM Orbán: Plans are in place for winding down flood defense efforts

The prime minister said the flood peak on the Danube could leave Hungary on Tuesday, but vigilance must be maintained.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said plans are in place for the winding down of flood defense efforts, adding that all the necessary tasks have been completed.

The prime minister added that the flood peak on the Danube could leave Hungary on Tuesday, but vigilance must be maintained.

Answering a question at a press conference after a meeting of the operative body for flood protection, the prime minister said that once the flood waves have receded the focus will be on public health tasks.

PM Orbán noted that the total cost of this year's flood protection efforts is expected to come to around 5 billion forints (EUR 12.7m) compared with the 19.6 billion forints spent in 2013.

Asked about possible mistakes that might have been made, PM Orbán said the work of the state bodies was reflected in the results. "Hungary 1, Danube floods 0," he added.

The prime minister said he had met well-prepared professionals during the flood defense work, with neither the army, the police, the disaster management nor the water management authority putting in "superficial" work.

Once the waters recede, he said, they will evaluate the defense work and determine the areas where building a permanent flood barrier may be worthwhile. At the same time, he called for "continued discipline" over the next two days.

The prime minister said media briefings on the post-flood public health measures will be handled by the chief medical officer.