PM Orbán: Real sin of Budapest’s mayor was that he presided over “so many missed opportunities”

The prime minister said that Fidesz’s Budapest operations, alongside the central government, must strive to get the most out of the nation’s capital.

At a campaign meeting in Budapest on Saturday, Fidesz leader Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said “the real sin” of Budapest’s mayor, Gergely Karácsony, was that he had presided over “so many missed opportunities”. Now the capital was suffering the consequences of Karácsony’s inaction, PM Orbán told a briefing of local candidates and activists at the Fidesz office in the 5th district who were working on the campaign of the ruling party’s mayoral candidate, Alexandra Szentkirályi. He told the gathering that Fidesz’s Budapest operations, alongside the central government, must strive to get the most out of the nation’s capital. “We must set big goals and work hard and then we’ll win,” he said.