Poland has vowed to help protect the Hungarian border, it has been announced.
“Poland will be sending another contingent to support Hungary’s border protection system,' Mariusz Błaszczak, Polish minister of the interior, announced following a Visegrád Group meeting in Warsaw.
Following the announcement, Sandor Pintér, minister of interior, said that Hungary turned to its Visegrád partners for assistance “in the interests of the implementation and international enforcement” of its new border protection system, which came into force at the beginning of July.
Hungary will not only be receiving support from the V4; but it is hoped that visits by the Austrian ministers of defense and interior on Thursday will also have a similar result.
Thanking his Visegrád colleagues for the assistance they have provided to Hungary so far to protect its Schengen borders, Minister Pintér said that "this has helped us allow significantly fewer illegal immigrants to reach the Schengen Area".
"Thanks to the new system only 17 immigrants have reached Hungary since its launch. The new border surveillance system also ensures that more people can submit asylum requests, which we can evaluate according to European standards," Pintér added.
Mariusz Błaszczak declared that under the current Polish presidency of the V4, which began July 1, the Visegrád Group will continue its endeavours to reduce migration pressure, which characterized the previous, Czech presidency.