Police commemorate victims of Hableány and Verőce boat accidents

A motorboat accident at Verőce on the night of May 18, 2024, claimed the lives of seven people. Five years ago, the Hableány tragedy claimed 27 lives.

Budapest police commemorated the victims of the Hableány and Verőce River Danube boat accidents in Budapest at Margaret Bridge, the site of the Hableány accident, on Wednesday.

A motorboat accident at Verőce on the night of May 18, 2024, claimed the lives of seven people, and the Budapest police dropped a flower for each of the victims into the river in commemoration of the recent disaster. Meanwhile, five years ago, the Hableány tragedy claimed 27 lives. On the evening of May 29, 2019, the Hableány tourist boat travelling north on the Danube was pushed under the water by a cruise ship. On board the Hableány were 35 people, 33 of whom were South Korean tourists and two were Hungarian crew. Only seven people were rescued alive from the river.