Return of the stink bug

The alien marmorated stink bug will be more visible in Hungary as numbers increase and not just at night when the lights come on

We revealed this time last year how Hungary had become overrun by the dreaded stink bug. Now, we can reveal that they have returned with a vengeance in 2018.

Stink bugs have become commonplace in Hungary, but experts warn that their number will increase exponentially over the coming years.

The alien marmorated stink bug will be more visible in Hungary as numbers increase and not just at night when the lights come on.

The brown bug is native to Asia and makes a loud noise when it buzzes around. The bugs can be extremely irritating and they can release a 'stink bomb' when you touch them. 

Last year, Dr. Gábor Vétek, a professor at the Department of Entomology at Szent István University’s Faculty of Horticultural Science, said the bug will not disappear from Hungary, and its number will not decrease, in fact, it will spread into larger territories.

The Faculty of Horticultural Science at Szent István University has been gathering data on the marmorated stink bug and a study has begun on how to tackle the issue moving forward.