State Secretary: Threat of terrorism is a "dire warning for Europe"

“The safety of the public is at grave risk because of migration,” said Bence Rétvári.

Bence Rétvári, the parliamentary state secretary of the interior ministry, said the murder of children in Southport in the UK and the threat of terrorism in Vienna is a "dire warning for Europe".
“The safety of the public is at grave risk because of migration,” Rétvári said, pointing to the cancellation of Taylor Swift concerts in Vienna, “the most liveable city in Europe”, because of the threat of terrorism, and the murder of three young girls and the injury of eleven more people by a migrant youth from an African background in the UK, leading to unrest on the streets there. He also noted that Algerian migrants had recently stabbed to death and beheaded a Spanish man on a street in the centre of Valencia “Shocking events are taking place daily from Sweden to Italy that would never have happened without migration,” he said. He added that crimes were being committed not only by those who had recently arrived in Europe but by the children of migrants, too, “because Europe can’t and doesn’t want to integrate them”, he added. “Pro-migration politicians still can’t face the reality: they advocate for tolerance and thus sacrifice public safety,” he said.