Study finds Hungarians are significantly better off with more than half able to put money aside each month

Hungarians are more optimistic about economic matters than before, the number of people whose financial situation significantly improved increased by two and a half times, and more people were able to finance substantial expenditures without turning to loans

A survey has found that Hungarians have been significantly better off over the last two years with more than half able to put money aside each month.

According to Napi.hu, Hungarians are more optimistic about economic matters than before, the number of people whose financial situation significantly improved increased by two and a half times, and more people were able to finance substantial expenditures without turning to loans.

The independent study conducted by Intrum, Europe’s leading Credit Management Services group, analyzed data between 2015 and 2017 for their report.

The study found that there were “significant improvements” related to Hungary within the two-year period.

In 2015, 15 percent of Hungarians said their financial situation became more stable. In 2017, the number of Hungarians optimistic about their financial matters increased to 37 percent. The European average for optimism over financial matters is 38 percent, therefore proving there were hardly any discrepancies between the European and Hungarian averages.

The study also found that Hungarians pay more attention to paying their bills on time compared to 2015 and financial situations are better off all round.

The number of people able to put money aside also increased between 2015 and 2017. Hungary isn’t far behind the European average of 57 percent, the report found that 52 percent of Hungarians are able to put savings aside on a regular basis.