Viktor Orbán and Helmut Kohl: Europe cannot be a new home to millions of people in need around the world

In a joint statement released after visiting the former German chancellor at his home in Germany on Tuesday, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and former Chancellor Helmut Kohl stated that Europe cannot be a new home to the millions of people in need around the world.

The statement, which was released simultaneously by the Hungarian Embassy in Berlin and Helmut Kohl’s office, emphatically asserts that the “migrant flow is a historic challenge of existential significance,” both for the millions in need and for the future of Europe. However, the statement continues, Europe can only give temporary refuge or a new home to a small proportion of those affected.

The communiqué states that Europe, together with the international community, must provide assistance in affected regions, to offer a future to the largest possible number of people in their own home countries. Contrary to earlier press reports, in the statement Helmut Kohl and PM Orbán see no conflict between their views and the objectives of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and they fully agree with her ultimate goals.

Helmut Kohl highlighted that this is an important precondition for the community of Europe to successfully meet all its challenges -- from the fight against international terrorism and maintaining the stability of the euro and the eurozone, to a common stance on migration and a Europe-wide agreement for resolution of the problem.

PM Orbán again reassured the former chancellor that Hungary naturally wishes to provide a contribution to the positive future of a united Europe, and will take an active part in joint European decisions. The communiqué states that it was in this spirit that the Hungarian prime minister referred his host to the “Schengen 2.0” ten-point plan, with which he wishes to contribute to the European debate on resolution of the refugee issue and which he is advocating while visiting Germany this week.