Facebook Post By Prime Minister Viktor Orbán Following A Summit Meeting Of European Union And Western Balkan Heads Of State And Government


This is Tirana, Albania. This is where the leaders of the European states are holding their summit with the leaders of the Western Balkan countries. I shall take a strong and determined stand on Hungary’s behalf, because it’s in Hungary’s vital interest for these countries to become members of the European Union as soon as possible. For Hungary this is a matter of vital importance in terms of our security, because only with Serbia’s help can we finally shut down the migration route. It’s also a matter of vital importance for Hungary’s energy security, because today Hungarian families and Hungarian businesses receive gas only from the south: through the Balkans, through Serbia. Serbia and the Western Balkans could be the gateway to cheap energy coming from the south to Central Europe, and thus resolve the question of the energy independence not only of Hungary, but of the whole of Central Europe. The time for this has come. This is what we will now represent. Let’s stop hesitating and let the European Union finally accept Serbia and the other Western Balkan countries as members.