Facebook statement by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán

23 September 2024, Baja

We’re in Baja, Petőfi Island. This is the eleventh day of the defence operations. A huge amount of work has been done here; they started working on Tuesday and finished on Friday. They had to build a temporary flood barrier along a very long stretch. It wasn’t a new job, as I was here in 2013 when the people from Baja did the same thing. Baja is also one of the most famously cohesive communities in the country. Here again on Thursday, more than a thousand volunteers were working together with the professionals. The water is usually high in Baja, but you can rest assured that the people of Baja always get the job done. They’ve done it again. And instead of the current low barrier, the temporary dam, we’ve agreed with the new mayor that we’ll build a mobile barrier here in the next year or two. This won’t arouse the enthusiasm of the people of Baja, but it will provide greater security.