Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s video message to President Jair Messias Bolsonaro

30 September 2022, Budapest

Dear Brazilian Friends,

You’re preparing for an important election. I’ve served my country here in Europe for more than thirty years. I’ve met many leaders, but very few as outstanding as your president, President Bolsonaro. I’m glad to have worked with him. It’s been a great privilege to watch and learn how he’s lowered taxes, how he’s stabilised the economy, how he’s reduced the crime rate, and how he’s prepared a brighter future for Brazil. My wish is that he continues his work, and that all of you in Brazil can enjoy the blessings of it. We’re talking about a President who - even in the face of today’s progressive, liberal world dominance - has had the courage to put Brazil first and God above us all. I wish you success! 

Go Bolsonaro!