Speech by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on the 177th anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence of 1848–49

15 March 2025, Budapest

Hungarians celebrating here and beyond the borders, Hungarians celebrating everywhere,
The concept of Hungarian freedom has been billowing in the skies of time and history for centuries. Its origins go back one thousand years, and it will surely continue on its path among the stars for many millennia to come. The concept of Hungarian freedom is eternal and timeless. Yet 177 years ago it became united with a single point in time, the Ides of March, and with a single place, Pest–Buda. On that day Hungarian freedom took shape, crystallised, was embodied, and came among us. For us, 15 March is not an ordinary holiday, and not even a moment of historic significance, but one of sacred significance. This day, 15 March, is a day ordained for every generation of Hungarians. It is assigned forever and is inescapable, and will remain so for as long as there is a single Hungarian alive on earth. With the ever excessive but innocent confidence of youth, this is what Petőfi says: “For a century our fathers and grandfathers did not as much as we in one day.” Glory to the Youth of March!
Fellow Celebrants,

Every year, before life puts out shoots, before the budding of the trees, before seeds sprout and civic life bursts into flower, it is precisely at this time that we Hungarians must hold an important gathering. This is why we are here today. Before our great joyful immersion in the activities of spring, we need to remind one another of a few things that Hungarians can only talk about with due gravity. We must remind ourselves of our shared national calling, and we must remind ourselves of the paramount cause of the homeland, which demands our care and service. Then, for a year, until the following accounting date, everyone can go about their business.

Fellow Celebrants,

For many long years we have heard the same thing said: “We are the past.” This is what they said in ’48: “The future belongs to the glorious empire of Vienna.” This is what they said in 1956: “The future belongs to the Soviet red empire.” This is what they say now: “The future belongs to the rainbow world empire.” They have said that we are the past, but on the other side of the great water – beyond the ocean wide – a turning point has arrived, and this has been revealed: we are the future; the future belongs not to empires, but to patriots and independent nations. They also said that we were isolated. They said it in 1848 – but then the Hungarians became the talk of Europe, and even Vienna it was a citizen of Buda who led the rebel forces. They said the same in 1956, but in the end it was we Hungarians who knocked the first brick out of the Berlin Wall, bringing freedom to the whole of Europe. And they have said it now: “We are isolated.” And yet everyone wants to know about us. Why does half the world want to know about us? It is certainly not because of the size of our economy or the firepower of our army. What do we have that they do not have in the West, but yet they need? Szécsényi taught us that every nation has its own calling, its own essence, the nation’s element. For some nations their element is trade; for some it is conquest; for some their element is philosophy; for others it is art; and for some it is the sciences. But, My Friends, what is it that arouses our passions, what is it for which our hearts quicken? What is the element of the Hungarians? Freedom, Dear Friends: the element of the Hungarians is freedom. Hungarians are in their element when they are fighting for their freedom. We are freedom fighters. We know how to fight for freedom. We know how to defend freedom. This knowledge is ours. For a thousand years we have been building it. It is our hallmark, it is our DNA. And it is what the world needs – today more than ever. Even now we are standing our ground against a world empire. No one else has succeeded in this – only we have. Ours is the great secret, the alchemical knowledge of the modern age. This is why half the world – from Vienna to Washington – is turning to us.

Fellow Celebrants,

Just as in 1848, our fight for freedom is not only a Hungarian cause. The battle today is in fact being fought for the soul of the Western world. The empire wants to commingle and then replace the natives of Europe with invasive masses from foreign civilisations. It wants to divert our children’s and grandchildren’s generations from the healthy order of creation into the chaos of unnatural lifestyles. The empire wants to kick away the order and culture of Christian life, and to put us at the service of the gods of war, instead of peace. The imperial machine has ravaged the entire Western world, but we have stopped it at Hungary’s borders. We have not surrendered. We have not let them take over the country, the Parliament or the Government. For fifteen years now, they have been unable to subdue us, and they have blunted all their weapons on us. They have not succeeded with blackmail, money, threats, mercenaries or Brusselites. We have won four elections in a row and for fifteen years our defences have remained undamaged. We have endured, we have persevered, because we always believed that one day the wind would change. And the wind has changed. The patriots of the Western world have been reinvigorated. They have gained strength and – after Italy, the Netherlands and Austria – they have also won in the United States. We are flying in formation. In the battle for the soul of the Western world, today we stand victorious. We can be proud because we were the heralds in the worldwide struggle for freedom, we were the initiators, and we also blazed the trail. Glory to all Hungarians who did not back down when confronted by the Soros Empire, who did not kneel before Brussels, and who did not bow down before the liberal American empire! The Hungarian flag still flies proudly today. We can give account of this to our children and grandchildren. They will have something to carry forward.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The secret of the Hungarian wars of independence is the same today as it was in the past. Hungarians never fight only for themselves, but also for their nation: one sword-stroke for oneself, and one for one’s country. We are the people of freedom, who cannot exist without two things: freedom and the nation. It is for these that we live – and, if necessary, die. We do so in the manner we wish: as free Hungarians.
My Friends,

Freedom belongs to the nation. This country, the country of the Hungarians, is ours. We desire nothing else, but we will not give this away. It cannot be taken from us by force, by threats or by flattery. And we shall not bargain with it. Never. No, no, never.

Fellow Celebrants,

As the nation is eternal, so too are empires unchanging: the empires of the crescent moon, the eagle, or the star – in red or Union yellow – have wanted only conquest and perpetual dominion. They want subjects and taxpayers, never free Hungarians. And there is always an empire that seeks to take the freedom of the Hungarians. Right now it is one in Brussels. Brussels is abusing its power, just as Vienna did in its time. It wants to rule over us, just as the governors sent by the Viennese court did in the past. The remedy, my friends, is not to turn our backs on the European Union. On the contrary, we must not go outwards, but inwards: we shall occupy it and change it. History will also make a turn in Brussels. The time will come when every account will be settled. Together with Petőfi, we send the message: “If they cannot stay in their place, we will pull them in their place!” We shall break their excesses, we shall take back the rights illegally confiscated from our nation, and we shall immediately send back the troops who are in the pay of Brussels. Let them bring joy to one another in the European Parliament.
Ladies and Gentlemen,

By nature empires are hungry and their appetites are insatiable: always hungry for more money, always hungry for new colonies. Yet Hungarians know that being free is not only exhilarating, but also rewarding. Work, wealth, prosperity and security only come to us if we are not exploited by oppressors. Slavery impoverishes, freedom enriches: this is the law of Hungarian prosperity. Here in Hungary, in fifteen years – in the shadow of battles with the empire – we have built Europe’s only patriotic national economy. We have sent the IMF home. We have regulated the multinationals and the banks. We have taken back the Hungarian energy system. We have put the entire national economy at the service of the Hungarian people. We have beaten back all Brussels’ intrigues, through which they wanted to shift the Hungarians’ money and wealth into the hands of speculators. And we have endured three years of war. And the Russo–Ukrainian war has caused greater economic loss to Hungary than to any other EU country. Yet, despite this, we are still making the biggest tax cuts in Europe – and indeed in the entire Western world. This will open a new chapter in the history of the Hungarian economy. We are creating the world’s first family-oriented economy. Mothers with one child will pay no income tax until the age of 30, and mothers with two or more children will pay no income tax for the rest of their lives. By any standards, this is a global sensation. This will secure the future of Hungarian families for decades to come. We have only one task left: to defend it again and again against the attacks from Brussels, which wants to take away our reductions in household energy bills, our thirteenth month’s pension, and money from our families.

Fellow Celebrants,

Ferenc Deák said: “We can risk everything for our homeland, but we must not risk our homeland for anything.” But they do not read Deák in Brussels, and this is why Europe has plunged headlong into the Russo–Ukrainian war. Let us never cause more trouble than that we want to avoid. We can do no one any good by destroying our country. This is why we have not jumped in with them, but have stayed on the side of peace. The empire does not want to help Ukraine: it wants to colonise it. The tool of colonialism is war. The rulers of Europe have decided that Ukraine must continue the war – whatever it costs. And in return, Ukraine will get fast-track EU membership. Paid for by us. There is only one answer: the EU, but without Ukraine! The Hungarians have not been asked about the war, but they must be asked about Ukraine’s membership of the EU. Without Hungary, there will be no European decision. A year ago, the question was: “Do we want to die for Ukraine?” Now the question is: “Do we want to be crippled by Ukraine’s accession?” Dear Friends, onward to the advisory referendum!

Fellow Celebrants,
The heady day of 15 March 1848 was followed by the sober and wise laws of April. These laws protected the freedom won on 15 March. This is exactly what will happen now. After today’s festive gathering will come house cleaning for Easter. The bugs have survived winter. We are dismantling the financial machine that has used corrupt dollars to buy politicians, judges, journalists, bogus civil society organisations and political activists. We will disperse the entire shadow army. They are the latter-day Habsburg troops, the minions of Brussels, paid to do the empire’s bidding against their own country. They have been here too long. They have survived too much. They have received money from too many places. They have switched sides too many times. In 1848, we had the Emperor’s crows on our backs, and now we have Weber chicks squawking over our heads. We have had just about enough of them. The spring winds bring flood water, let it carry them off... They wear the scarlet letter, their fate will be shame and contempt. If there is justice, and there is, there is a special place in Hell for them. We know you. You cannot disguise yourself in your new European party garb. Your masters are the same. Your plans are the same. And do not be hopeful: your fate will be the same, you will be defeated again. Again and again. For the sword shines brighter than chains.

God above us all, Hungary before all else! Go Hungary, go Hungarians!