David Pressman

News in Brief

Lázár: Hungary's government stands by Antal Rogán

János Lázár, Minister of Transport and Construction, said the United States' decision to put Antal Rogán, Head of the Prime Minister's Cabinet Office, on a sanctions list is an "unfounded political...


Beware the hypocrisy of our critics!

Prime Minister Orbán’s bilateral meeting with President Putin in Beijing this week really triggered some of our staunchest critics. However, there are some things they may not want you to know.

Oct 19, 2023 - Zoltán Kovács
News in Brief

Hungary to quit International Investment Bank

The economic ministry said in a statement that whereas the Russia-backed IIB had played an important development role in central and eastern Europe, there was no sense in carrying on with its operations following the US sanctions.

Apr 14, 2023