News in Brief

KDNP to leave EPP over left turn

A KDNP statement says the EPP has shifted to the left and lost its identity in the process, it is no longer the party created by its Christian Democratic founders.

News in Brief

Gulyás: EPP in leadership crisis

Gergely Gulyás said the European People’s Party is suffering a leadership crisis, recording its worst performance of the past twenty years in the latest European parliamentary elections.

News in Brief

Deutsch: EPP meeting “calm and sober"

MEP Tamás Deutsch said a European People’s Party’s EP group meeting on Wednesday night was “calm and sober, despite earlier hopes by the EPP’s adversaries”.

Dec 18, 2020
Prime Minister

Prime Minister Orbán responds to Manfred Weber: 'The truth, dear Manfred, is completely the opposite'

EPP group leader Manfred Weber stated in an online press conference on December 3 that the notorious rule of law mechanism, designed to force Member States into altering their stance on key policy areas, is not being set up expressly against Hungary and Poland. According to PM Orbán, however, the truth is completely the opposite. The following is the official, English language transcript of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's response to Weber.

Dec 4, 2020