National Audit Office finds irregularities in LMP party’s bookkeeping
The LMP party is to draft a plan of action within 30 days, in line with ÁSZ’s proposals.
The LMP party is to draft a plan of action within 30 days, in line with ÁSZ’s proposals.
Erinnern Sie sich an jene Zeiten, als internationale Beobachter Ministerpräsident Orbán vor einer Kooperation oder gar einer Verbindung mit der rechtsextremen, antisemitischen Jobbik gewarnt haben? Offensichtlich ist dies kein Problem...
Remember all those times that international observers warned Prime Minister Orbán against any cooperation, let alone association, with the far-right, anti-Semitic Jobbik? Apparently, cooperation with the fringe isn’t a problem...
News portal identified Flóra Orbán to be the daughter of an officer serving in Cyprus, and not the prime minister’s daughter. The two-year-old was returning home after visiting her...
All countries had a right to decide what goes on in their territory and with whom its citizens should live, János Lázár said