FM: Trieste port to become operational by 2026
Hungary has signed a 45 million euro agreement clearing the way for the start of development work on a port the country is establishing in Trieste.
Hungary has signed a 45 million euro agreement clearing the way for the start of development work on a port the country is establishing in Trieste.
PM Orbán and Salvini will discuss Italy’s and Hungary’s international situation and relationships, especially economic and investment ties.
The League party said Salvini also sent a personal letter to PM Orbán.
The prime minister held a video conference on Wednesday with Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and Matteo Salvini, the head of Italy’s League party, on a new political group in...
1 April 2021, Budapest
The foreign minister has said "the whole of Europe should be grateful” to Matteo Salvini, former interior minister of Italy, for “saving his homeland and saving Europe.”
Salvini is facing legal proceedings because he, when interior minister, banned a ship of illegal migrants from docking.
In a text message to Matteo Salvini, PM Orbán said he had told reporters in Brussels that Hungary firmly stood by Italy.
Nach einem Treffen mit dem italienischen Premierminister Giuseppe Conte sowie Matteo Salvini und Silvio Berlusconi in Rom hielt Premierminister Orbán am Dienstag auf einer Konferenz zum Thema „Nationaler Konservatismus“ eine Rede. Dort sprach er über eine Handvoll der dringlichsten Probleme Europas.
Following meetings with Italian PM Giuseppe Conte, Matteo Salvini and Silvio Berlusconi in Rome, Prime Minister Orbán addressed a panel at the National Conservatism Conference on Tuesday. There, he talked about a handful of Europe’s most pressing problems.
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has expressed his appreciation to Matteo Salvini, head of Italy’s League party, thanking him in a letter for his efforts of “benefitting Italy and the whole of Europe, including Hungary” during the migrant crisis.
„Auf dem Weg nach Ungarn, um ein neues Europa aufzubauen“, twitterte heute Morgen Matteo Salvini, Innenminister und Stellvertretender Ministerpräsident von Italien.
Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini kicked off his visit to Hungary on Thursday by inspecting the fence on the country’s Serbian border with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán