These are the NGOs and media outlets funded by USAID in Hungary
USAID has been quietly bankrolling opposition-linked NGOs and media groups in Hungary, creating an artificial civil society that serves foreign political interests.
USAID has been quietly bankrolling opposition-linked NGOs and media groups in Hungary, creating an artificial civil society that serves foreign political interests.
The time has come for the European Commission to practice what it preaches. While Brussels demands transparency from member states, it continues to funnel billions into a network of NGOs...
Alexandra Szentkirályi said Fidesz is submitting a proposal to the Budapest Assembly on Wednesday, "to see which organizations of that kind the municipality has ties with".
USAID was created to provide humanitarian aid, but it has become a vehicle for ideological influence, wasteful spending, and outright corruption.
In a Soros-funded report, Berlin-based liberal think tank Institut für Europäische Politik advises the German Federal Government to crack down on the “Hungarian authoritarian regime.”
The recent Qatargate scandal reveals the two-faced nature of some NGOs, taking advantage of a privileged image to commit fraud and bribery for power.
The Hungarian government was fighting against people who tried to make decisions without the authority to do so.
A report by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on NGOs included “a political attack” against Hungary instead of an objective analysis of the country’s legal system.
The minister met with Nóra Király from the young family association Ficsak, from the green group she met Zöld Követ Egyesület and from the women’s rights association, Mindennapok Női Szemmel.
The prime minister said the transparency of “EU-funded, politically engaged NGOs which attack their own governments in an unacceptable manner” should be discussed at a later date.
The European Court of Justice (ECJ) might not agree with the tools we put in place in 2017, but its latest ruling only shows that Hungary’s goal of increasing the transparency of NGO finances is, in fact, legitimate.
Freedom House has just released its latest edition of Nations in Transit, its annual ranking of countries in former communist eastern Europe and Eurasia. They call it a “comprehensive, comparative, and multidimensional” study that provides “in-depth” data. The title of this year’s edition: Dropping the Democratic Façade.
The foreign minister said Hungary insists on the policy of suspending the operation and withdrawing ships from the region if it appears that migration is increasing as a result.