Alexandra Szentkirályi: Sanctions are rejected by 97% of respondents to the national consultation

Alexandra Szentkirályi thanked the nearly 1.4 million people who provided their opinions during the consultation on behalf of the government.

Since 2010, the Orbán government has established the practice of holding nationwide consultations to let the Hungarian people voice their opinions on important matters such as social issues, illegal immigration, family policy, the coronavirus, and now for its 12th iteration, Brussels' unsuccessful sanctions.

This is crucial, as Brussels bureaucrats want to enact more and more sanctions rather than reviewing their misguided policy responsible for the current sky-high inflation.

According to government spokeswoman Alexandra Szentkirályi, who posted on the Hungarian government's official Facebook page on Saturday, the results of the nationwide survey, compiled by the government and completed by nearly 1.4 million people, are unambiguous.

Some 97% of those who took part in Hungary’s latest national consultation oppose the sanctions imposed by Brussels on Russia for attacking Ukraine. This is undoubtedly because the EU’s misguided sanctions policy failed to end the war and only served to severely hurt Europe's economy.

The government spokesperson noted that most Hungarians disapprove of the nuclear energy restrictions, the planned gas sanctions, and the oil sanctions. The consultation results indicate that respondents “categorically reject sanctions that would further increase food prices or impose additional burdens on European tourism.”

Szentkirályi said that the consultation sent a clear message that a “review of Brussels' sanctions policy is in order,” adding that “peace talks must begin as soon as possible rather than more misguided sanctions.”

She also reminded people that the Hungarian government was the first in the European Union to ask citizens for their view on the sanctions. “The outcome of the consultation is a set of guidelines for Hungarian public actors,” and the government will do its best to “make sure Brussels hears” the voice of the people, Szentkirályi said.