PM Orbán declares election as decisive for peace over war

Addressing voters in Tiszaújváros, PM Orbán marked the upcoming elections as crucial for choosing peace over escalating war tensions in Europe.

Speaking at the inauguration of the MOL Polyol Complex in Tiszaújváros, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán framed the forthcoming elections on June 9 as a pivotal choice between war and peace. He urged voters to champion peace and reject the war-driven agendas promoted by "Brussels hawks."

The prime minister described war as the greatest current threat, equating it with destruction, loss of homes, and economic stagnation. He pointed to Ukraine as an example of how war leads to societal decline, with warfare redirecting vital workforces from industries to the frontlines, crippling the economy.

In his speech, PM Orbán also criticized elements within Europe inclined to drag the continent, including Hungary, into military conflicts. He highlighted the need to focus not only on substantial economic plans but also on repelling these belligerent forces.

"We must curb, push back, and break these forces," Prime Minister Orbán stated, encouraging participation in both local and European elections to vote for leaders who prioritize peace.

The prime minister also praised the ambitious yet pragmatic Hungarian industrial strategy, where companies like MOL play a significant role.

However, he voiced concerns over current European policies that would undermine industrial growth under the guise of environmentalism, which he argues leads to the loss of vast industrial capacities.

For this reason, PM Orbán called for a strong turnout at the polls to continue the industrial policies initiated 14 years ago, which aim to transform Hungary into one of Europe's most thriving nations. He stressed the importance of state tools to encourage Hungarian companies to venture into foreign markets and revealed plans to support 5,000 SMEs to reach international levels.

Concluding his address, the prime minister emphasized the inextricable link between peace and Hungary's economic and industrial development, reiterating his call to voters:

"Stand for peace and help us dismiss the war hawks in Brussels. This is essential for our continued industrial development and for making Hungary a flourishing European country."