Bóka: War or peace at stake in upcoming EP election

“European institutions have allowed, either purposefully or out of negligence, Europe to drift into the Russian-Ukrainian war,” János Bóka said.

EU Affairs Minister János Bóka said war or peace was at stake in the June 9 EP election.

“European institutions have allowed, either purposefully or out of negligence, Europe to drift into the Russian-Ukrainian war,” Bóka said in a post on Facebook. “And unless we send a strong message at the EP election that we do not support that process, in fact, see it as dangerous and catastrophic, it will continue even after the ballot,” the minister said, adding that the EU had failed in its efforts to improve the community’s competitiveness over the past five years just it had failed to tackle the migration crisis and offer prospects to Europe’s agricultural sector. He said change was needed in Brussels to resolve those issues and “keep the [European] community out of war”.