The New American has quite rightly pointed out that when a primitive tribe such as the Tanzanian Hadza fights to preserve its culture, the media cheer. But when a European people fights to preserve its culture, it gets called racist. This essentially is what happened recently when CNN’s Christiane Amanpour interviewed Hungary’s foreign minister, Péter Szijjártó, the website writes.
Amanpour introduced the interview segment by referring to the Hungarian government’s alleged “clampdown on democratic institutions” and “draconian” immigration controls, descriptions the Hungarians reject.
“‘Your prime minister, Prime Minister Orbán, has repeatedly said that his main aim is to preserve, quote, ‘Christian Hungary’, and you’ve said ‘We don’t accept that multiculturalism is a value by itself’,’ Amanpour said to Szijjártó, apparently horrified,” Breitbart reports.
“‘It’s weird, that kind of language, isn’t it? It’s very out of step with the world,’ she asserted.”
After Szijjártó said that Orbán’s language merely reflected honesty, Amanpour went to the old leftist stance, essentially accusing Hungary’s leadership of “racism.” “But what are you saying?,” she asked. “That anything other than white Christians into your country are not accepted?”
Szijjártó denied this, at which point Amanpour consulted her notes and laughably insisted, “Your prime minister did say it: a Christian Hungary; preserve a Christian Hungary.”
Read more here.