Coronavirus Update: State Secretary says Hungary's coronavirus laws are necessary to fight the virus

State Secretary Zoltán Kovács said that “protecting the health, security and interests of the whole Hungarian population” was a top priority for the government.

State Secretary Zoltán Kovács has told the BBC that Hungary is being subjected to “political lynching” because its government is “walking its own way, trying to select the most effective way of handling the coronavirus epidemic.”

In the interview, Kovács argued that Hungary’s recent coronavirus law was necessary to facilitate “rapid and firm measures” to fight “an unknown enemy”.

In regards to the lockdown measures, he said parliament could withdraw the government’s special authorizations any time when the deputies deem the crisis to be over. He also noted that the governments of four other European countries have been granted similar authorizations without a time limit.

Kovács said that “protecting the health, security and interests of the whole Hungarian population” was a top priority for the government. He insisted that the Hungarian government had managed to avoid “problems that the UK, Italy or Spain could not” because their governments “failed to take firm action when it was necessary”.

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