Defense Minister: Hungary has a crucial role in NATO’s defense plan

The Hungarian government maintains its position that an immediate ceasefire and peace talks are needed in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Minister Szalay-Bobrovniczky said.

Defense Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky said Hungary is “indispensable” and “has a crucial role” in NATO’s recently adopted deterrence and defense plan.

Speaking after NATO’s summit in Vilnius, the minister said Hungary was spending 2% of its GDP on defense, adding that the ratio would be maintained in 2024.  He noted Hungary’s contribution to international missions as well as to efforts aimed at reinforcing the organisation’s eastern flank. Concerning the war in Ukraine, Minister Szalay-Bobrovniczky said the Hungarian government “shares NATO’s position and will not send lethal equipment, will not participate in or drift into the war and will avoid its escalation.” He noted that Ukraine had not received an invitation to join NATO, adding that “neither the situation is suitable nor Ukraine is ready to become a member”. The Hungarian government maintains its position that an immediate ceasefire and peace talks are needed, Minister Szalay-Bobrovniczky said.

Photo credit: kormany.hu