Fidesz MEP: Péter Magyar has been caught and is lying

Csaba Dömötör said on Facebook that the recent "pro-war EP resolution" had been fully in the public domain since Tuesday and Magyar's name had appeared on it until very recently.

In connection with a recent European Parliament resolution, Fidesz MEP Csaba Dömötör said Tisza Party leader Péter Magyar "has been caught and is lying, as it has become customary with him".

Dömötör said on Facebook that the recent "pro-war EP resolution" had been fully in the public domain since Tuesday and Magyar's name had appeared on it until very recently.

He said Magyar "would have had a chance to vote against the resolution" and the minutes of the meeting were clear and Magyar would not be able to deny the facts.

"In fact, in line with the approved resolution, they would send even more weapons to the battlefield, spend additional thousand billions on the war, condemn Hungary's veto from last week, and in future they would limit the veto rights of pro-peace countries," Dömötör said. "This is a pledge of allegiance to the war. This is what his own EPP group and the other left wing parties of the EP grand coalition voted for. Manfred Weber's people who nominated Peter Magyar," he added.

"What they are doing gets no support in Hungary. But what's happening in Brussels will not stay in Brussels, and everybody will find it out," he added.