Speaking in Nairobi on Wednesday, Péter Szijjártó, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, said African stability is key to European security, and Kenyan support is vital in terms of combatting terrorism and hosting refugees, adding that Hungary is making large contributions towards these efforts.
Hungary and Kenya this year are celebrating the 60th anniversary of diplomatic ties, Minister Szijjártó said at a joint news conference held with Kenyan counterpart Wycliffe Musalia Mudavadi. He said ties were based on mutual respect. Hungary, he said, provides aid to Kenya, adding that the more stable and developed the country is the better the security situation. Hungary is launching a 6 billion forint (EUR 15.2m) lending scheme under which Hungarian companies are establishing two centres for the purpose of upgrading irrigation systems and fisheries in the country with the aim of improving the security of food supplies. Also, Hungary is providing 200 million forints for setting up an agricultural education and research hub for modernising Kenyan farming using Hungarian seed technology. Meanwhile, the minister welcomed Kenya’s decision to build a nuclear power plant, saying the project would help to cut harmful emissions. The sides have signed a cooperation pact on nuclear education and training, with Hungary helping to train Kenyan specialists and sharing experiences in regulation.