Péter Szijjártó, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, said the Hungarian government is against the European Union’s “mixing up economic and political affairs” in free trade talks.
Speaking in Manila, after talks with Enrique Manalo, his Filipino counterpart, Minister Szijjártó said the EU had an interest in building closer ties with South-East Asia, one of the fastest developing regions of the world, “rather than introduce restrictions such as duties”. The European Commission’s recent introduction of new duties impacting key industries will cause “huge damage” to the European economy, Minister Szijjártó said, adding that the move would “increase the risk of higher unemployment”. The introduction of further duties and free trade talks breaking down would “cut Europe from global cooperation” and “eventually lead to economic suicide” for Europe, he said. The upcoming Hungarian EU presidency will ensure that “free trade talks should indeed focus on commerce rather than political issues,” Minister Szijjártó said, adding that “should the EU insist on its earlier viewpoint we will be doing business with ourselves”. The Hungarian government supports free trade, which offers many benefits, especially to countries with an open economy such as Hungary, he said. The Hungarian EU presidency will focus on accelerating free trade talks between the EU and Asia, with special regard to the south-eastern region, the foreign minister added.