FM: Hungarian Hamas hostage is alive

The Hungarian government would do everything possible to make sure that the man is included among those considered for release if the release of male hostages is discussed.

Péter Szijjártó, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, said the Hungarian government has been informed by Israeli authorities that one of the Hungarian citizens who went missing is surely alive and is being held by the Hamas terrorist organization.
Addressing a press conference during a break in a meeting of NATO foreign ministers, Minister Szijjártó noted that three of the five hostages with Hungarian citizenship had been released recently after Hamas announced the handover of women and children hostages during a ceasefire in the framework of a hostage exchange. In addition to those three Hungarians, there was information about another two Hungarian males who were believed to be held by the terrorist organization, the minister said. “We of course will do everything possible for the release of the two men with Hungarian citizenship, just as we did so for the release of the two children and their mother before,” Minister Szijjártó said. “And, given the current circumstances, the good news is that we know for sure that one of the two men is alive,” he said. Minister Szijjártó said the Hungarian government would do everything possible to make sure that the man is included among those considered for release if the release of male hostages is discussed.