Nézőpont Institute: Ruling parties hold two-thirds majority

Sunday’s elections proved that “Hungary is a right-wing country”.

According to the Nézőpont Institute, the ruling Fidesz-Christian Democrat alliance garnered 44.61% of the European parliamentary elections on Sunday, likely sufficient to win a two-thirds parliamentary majority at home.

Nézőpont said the results of the coalition of the leftist parties (8.1%), the new entrant Tisza party (26.7%) and the Our Homeland party (6.8%) “would not be enough to topple the government or to dismantle the two-thirds majority of the ruling parties." According to its calculation model, if Hungary had held national elections on Sunday, the ruling parties could have secured 135 parliamentary seats, while the opposition parties “would have suffered an even greater defeat than in 2022”. In such a scenario, the Tisza party would be the largest opposition group with 45 mandates, the leftist parties’ coalition with 10 mandates, and Our Homeland with 8 mandates. It said that parties that had failed to make it to the EP this time would not have won seats in the Hungarian parliament, either, the think-tank said. Analysts of various research institutes were in agreement that the Fidesz-led alliance achieved “a very good result” considering the war, the difficult circumstances, and that they are in the middle of their term. Sunday’s elections, they said, proved that “Hungary is a right-wing country”.