Novák: Family-friendly Hungary is what most identify with

Making Hungary family-friendly is an aim that most Hungarians identify with regardless of party affiliations.

In an interview published by Magyar Hírlap, Katalin Novák, minister in charge of family affairs, said making Hungary family-friendly is an aim that most Hungarians identify with regardless of party affiliations.

Minister Novák, Fidesz’s nominee for president, said she considered it a great honor that she would become Hungary’s first female president if she gets the support of parliament. She added that the significance of her nomination went far beyond her person, stating that it would give her “special responsibility” to be the first female president. Novák said that being a mother of three also helped her understand the importance of setting a good example. “The post of president also means that one must behave in a way and represent certain values that others could follow,” she said. Novák added that her husband would become the first First Gentleman in Hungary, saying that even though she had undertaken the nomination and would fill the post as an individual, it would “not be a one-person act, not a one-woman show”. Referring to the international aspects of her future role, she said that a president represented the country at the highest level and her work would involve promoting Hungary’s family-focused thinking. “I will represent this at the level of president, an issue that concerns our whole nation,” she added.

Photo credit: MTI