PM Orbán holds talks with New York’s chief rabbi

At the talks, it was established that Hungary is one of the safest countries in Europe for Jews.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán held talks with Arthur Schneier, New York Park East Synagogue’s chief rabbi, during a working lunch in Budapest on Tuesday which was joined by Hungarian President Katalin Novák.

At the talks, it was established that Hungary is one of the safest countries in Europe for Jews. Members of Hungary’s Jewish community live in safety in the country, they can express their identity and can also freely exercise their religion in the three registered Jewish congregations. Concerning the war in Ukraine, the Hungarian leaders and the chief rabbi agreed on the need for the two sides to reach a ceasefire and start peace talks as soon as possible because of the “deep economic crisis and the unforeseeable humanitarian catastrophe” the war has already triggered. The chief rabbi expressed appreciation for the support and aid the Hungarian government, Jewish communities, civil organisations and private individuals have provided since the day of the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war to Ukrainian Jewish refugees arriving in Hungary and to those travelling on to Israel. The meeting was also attended by Balázs Orbán, the prime minister’s political director.

Photo credit: MTI