PM Orbán: Hungary's ruling parties are "extremely strong" and will win the election

“The stakes of the election are clear: war or peace,” Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said Hungary's ruling parties are "extremely strong and will win the election if they mobilize their forces".
“The stakes of the election are clear: war or peace,” PM Orbán said in an interview with the weekly Mandiner published on Wednesday. “Power relations are secondary right now because we’re going to win this election”, he said, adding that the left’s “only hope” was that “the ruling parties won’t set a swim world record this time”. “That’s why they’re talking about what share of the vote would be considered a failure for Fidesz,” he said. PM Orbán said the left-wing parties had attempted to win the 2022 general election by joining forces, but this time they appeared to be “going back to the recipe used in 2014 and 2018, and the opposition camp standing against the government is fragmented again”. He noted that the Fidesz-Christian Democrat alliance secured a 2/3rds majority in all three of those elections. He said that apart from the war, the ruling parties’ “biggest opponent” was routine, meaning that if their voters believed that victory would come automatically. He said if the ruling parties did the necessary canvassing, the “social majority on the civic, national Christian side” would be reflected in the election results.