Title: PM Orbán Addresses Parliament on Key Issues Post-Election

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán responded to immediate questions in Parliament, covering a range of issues from election results to national policies, following the recent local and European Parliamentary elections.

Addressing opposition questions, PM Orbán firmly rejected accusations against the President of Hungary. When Olga Kálmán (DK) raised questions regarding attacks against President Tamás Sulyok, PM Orbán responded, "The President of the Hungarian Republic deserves respect and good faith." He dismissed the claims as part of DK’s election campaign tactics, noting that this approach had already led to a significant reduction in their representation in the EP.

Regarding the Momentum party's questions on euthanasia, sparked by the situation of constitutional law expert Dániel Karsai, PM Orbán reiterated his stance against politicizing personal suffering. "We stand on the side of life and will not switch to the side of death," he declared, condemning the use of individual pain for political gain.

On the topic of green transition and economic development, László György Lukács (Jobbik-Conservatives) questioned the government’s focus on building the economy around battery factories. PM Orbán emphasized the importance of continuing the green transition. "The goal is to integrate the best Western and Eastern technologies domestically," he said, highlighting cooperation with Germany and China. He reassured that these developments were essential for preserving jobs in Hungary’s automotive sector.

PM Orbán also addressed allegations of secret agreements with Facebook, brought up by László Toroczkai (Our Homeland Movement). "My speeches have been removed from the platform," he noted, underscoring that the government had not made any secret deals, offering support to protect national sovereignty in the digital space.

Reflecting on Budapest's mayoral election results, PM Orbán respected the decision of Budapest’s citizens while pointing out the city’s financial struggles. "We aimed for change, but we accept the results," he said, responding to Tímea Szabó (Dialogue for Hungary), who spoke about Gergely Karácsony’s victory and the financial challenges facing the capital. PM Orbán noted the government's readiness to assist in addressing Budapest’s financial issues.

In response to questions about church affairs from Antal Csárdi (LMP), PM Orbán reinforced the separation of church and state. He stated that ecclesiastical matters are not for the government to interfere in, maintaining that historical church leaders will continue to hold diplomatic passports.