US Ambassador: No freedoms are infringed in Hungary

“Over the last two months I have had extremely positive experiences here,” said US Ambassador David B. Cornstein earlier today in an interview with the Jewish magazine Szombat. “Had I witnessed that the freedom of any individual or institution was put in danger, I’d be the first one to raise concerns,” he added.

In the interview, the US envoy talked about his experience since his taking up his post in Hungary two months ago.

“I am a committed promoter of democracy. I believe in the rule of law, individual freedoms, freedom of religion, freedom of speech and press,” Cornstein said. Therefore, he added, “had I witnessed that the freedom of any individual or institution was put in danger, I’d be the first one to raise concerns.” 

The ambassador stressed that in his meetings with religious and business leaders as well as heads of NGOs over the last two months nobody said “please intervene, help us.” On the contrary, he said, he has heard upbeat assessments of the country’s prospects and has not witnessed any infringement of freedoms.