Viktor Orbán: There is no such thing as liberal democracy, only liberal non-democracy

Prime Minister Orbán made this assessment in an interview given to the Slovakian portal postoj.sk on Wednesday, adding that liberal non-democracy has elements of liberalism, but no democracy.

In the interview, the Hungarian prime minister discussed, among other things, events of the past decades, the future of the European Union and Central Europe, migration, and vaccination policy.

Regarding “illiberal state-building,” the PM said, there is no such thing as liberal democracy today, only liberal non-democracy; there is liberalism in it, but no democracy. He stressed that liberals are aiming for hegemony over opinion, readily served by political correctness and used to stigmatize conservatives and Christian democrats. “I’m fighting against the liberals for freedom,” while they battle for hegemony over opinion,” the prime minister underlined.

Commenting on Fidesz’ withdrawal from the EPP and the future of its EU policy, he said “we want to change Brussels,” as “in its present form, Brussels is not capable of giving appropriate answers to people’s problems. Migration proved that point, but Brussels’ response to the 2008 financial crisis was not any more convincing.” The PM added that a new political community must be created that can have an impact on Brussels.

There are elements in the EU that should be strengthened; this is not the case with the European Parliament, which plays a harmful role because it places European politics along party lines and is used by the European Left to attack the sovereignty of member states, he noted.

Discussing the future of the EU, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said that in 2030, Hungarians, Slovaks, Germans and the French will continue to live here, but there won’t be a ‘European people’ as such. There will be nations and states; they will figure out a form for cooperation,” but it is questionable whether "post-Christian and post-national societies" will be able to build a stable Western Europe, he said.

The PM highlighted that he is more optimistic about the future of Central Europe: “I do believe that our children will have a better life than we do. We will experience a major Central European renaissance in the economy, demography, security policy and culture.”

On the EU’s Russia policy, Prime Minister Orbán said, “We need a more nuanced policy, one that understands that Russia is a state with mighty strength and that respects strength in return,” he stated.

On Hungary’s vaccination policy, the prime minister said it was foreseen last spring that demand would be much greater than supply, and because of Hungary’s good relations with Russia and China, inquiries were made early on about possibly buying vaccines from them. The distribution of the Russian and Chinese vaccines was not automatically allowed; the relevant authority in Hungary had to first authorize them, PM Orbán pointed out, adding that Slovakia has also requested Hungary’s help with issuing a professional opinion on the Russian vaccine.