Honourable President, Honourable Prime Minister, Dear Slovenians,
I bring you the greetings and esteem of the Hungarian people. We Hungarians look upon you as our friends and Christian brothers and sisters. We Hungarians are happy to be your neighbours. When we come to Slovenia, we see a beautiful country, and when we open the book of Slovenian history we read of the fate of a people that has lived for a thousand years. Thirty years ago you showed enormous spirit and courage in fighting - almost unarmed - for your independence and freedom; and the whole world understood that Slovenia is the land of the brave, who demand the return of their country. We know what it means to fight against overwhelming odds. We know that the greatness of a nation is defined by its tradition, its soul and its pride. We see the hard work, creativity and calm fortitude with which you have made Slovenia spectacularly successful. The stronger, the richer and the happier a neighbour of ours is, the better it is for us Hungarians and for Hungary. Such a country, such a neighbour also increases the value of our country. We are proud of your friendship. Hungary salutes the people of Slovenia and their courageous current leaders.
God bless Slovenia!